Thursday, December 23, 2004

Merry Christmas you wonderful old!

I won't have time to post tomorrow so I wanted to wish everyone a very merry chrostmas! I will have the family here, plus a few extra dropping in and out throughout the day and night. Homemade tamales are a big draw. Tamales and beer, can you imagine a better chrostmas eve? Throw in my family and friends hanging out at my house, I'm on cloud nine. Last year chrostmas eve was so great, everyone was here, we were drinking beer, people kept stopping by, it was so wonderful and I was so happy! and drunk! I was so drunk! Family, good friends, great food, and alcohol. Isn't that what the chrostmas spirit is all about?
I hope you all have a great celebration of your own. If you don't, you're all welcome here! Come on by and have a drink. You'll have to pitch in with the tamales though.


Roy Hobbs said...

Have a great holiday season sweets.

SJ said...

Happy Christmas Cindy...

PunkAss said...

Merry Merry CL :) Thx for a great year! Hope Santa brings you all the shoes and boots you ever wanted:)


Yankeebob said...

Tamales and beer? Geez, I'd love to come over. But it's kind of a long drive.

I hope you have a great day. Merry Christmas CL!!!

Quyen said...

Mmmmmmmmm Tamales!

Merry Xmas! :)

Summer said...

Merry Christmas, CL!!!! I hope Santa was good to you.

Oddgirl said...

Merry Christmas CL! It sounds like you have a great plan. How do I talk my family into beer and tamales?
Warm wishes from the both of us.:)

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