Friday, September 08, 2006

Billboards and words.

I know you've all seen the Snickers ads like Peanutopolis and Hungerectomy. Some are cool, some are lame. Nougatocity is lame. Not a lot of words can pull off the -ocity at the end. Travelocity can get away with it, I guess because of the L. But after a T? No. No, Snickers, no.
Substantialiscious is my favorite. I like the way it sounds. I love words that end in -scious though, like:

extremely willful; obstinate; stubborn.

I especially love the ones that end in -iscious, like:

1. causing insidious harm or ruin; ruinous; injurious; hurtful
2. deadly; fatal: a pernicious disease.
3. Obsolete. evil; wicked.

and my all time favorite:

1. arousing or expressive of sexual desire; lustful; lecherous.

But speaking of the Word of the Day, what the fuck is up with today's word:

small beer \small beer\, noun:

1. Weak beer.
2. Insignificant matters; something of little importance.
3. Unimportant; trivial.

They even put the pronunciation on there? Now, that's lame.

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