There's a shoe on the side of 280 that I see every day on my way home. It must have a red sock in it, because it at first glance it looks like it has a bloody foot in it. But that can't be true, right? They wouldn't leave a shoe with a bloody stump in it on the side of the freeway, right? If there was like an accident there or something, they would have taken the foot with them. They would have.
But that doesn't stop me from looking at it and thinking "there's that shoe with the bloody stump in it" every day on my way home from work.
And what if it really was a shoe with a bloody stump in it? What if the cops thought the EMT's grabbed it, and the EMT's thought the coroner took it and the victim was dead, or maybe just unconscious, but I think dead and the shoe just stayed there? Oh, and the other shoe is several yards past the bloody one, but this one's clean. I think a hobo was wandering the freeway at night and was hit. Hit and run, probably. A drunk driver wouldn't stop for a hobo. I think.
It's been there for a couple of weeks, and I always see it, I look for it now. I'm way too into this shoe. I wish they would take it away.
I hate seeing that bloody stump.
(but god damn, I love saying "bloody stump", or did you not catch that?)