Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It pays to advertise.

So, I keep getting these advertisements from the La-Z-Boy Gallery with their weekly specials and what-not. Stuff like “Hey, buy two chairs and we’ll give them to you for only fourteen thousand dollars, instead of the usual nine thousand dollars apiece” and gibberish like that.

You know, because they’re so expensive.

Anyway, what makes me raise an eyebrow is the flyer that says “Come in now and we’ll give you an extra 10% everything in stock, excluding chairs.”

Excluding chairs? What the fuck. Isn’t that what they’re known for? The chairs?

That’s like The Shane Company saying “Hey, come on in and we’ll give you 20% off everything in our store, except diamonds.” Lame.

Oh, and Tom Shane? You might want to look into a new spokesperson for your company. I know people who practically sprain their fingers trying to change the radio station every time your commercial comes on. We hate your voice. Get off the radio.

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