Wednesday, August 25, 2004

here's where you learn a little more about me (revised)


When people drive right next to me at the same speed.
When one hand is wet and the other is dry.
Biting into an apple.
Olives, onions, mushrooms, bell peppers.
When there's food on my plate I know I'm not going to eat. I have to move it off.
Black ink in my pen.
People who don't call me back.
Highway 85 at 5pm.
Personalized license plates that you can't figure out.
Bad grammer.
Really competitive people.
When people call too much.
Diet Coke from a can.
Fist fights.
Tailgaters and brake mashers.
Not being able to stay mad at someone when you really want to.
The mosh pit.
Surprise parties.
When people don't round off numbers.
Not knowing where I'm going when I'm driving.
When you tell someone a story you think is hilarious and they don't laugh.


When the sun shines on my feet.
White socks with black shoes.
Having my hair twirled.
Making people blush.
Driving with the windows open and the music blaring.
Really good conversation.
Meeting new people when you really click with them.
The perfect bite of breakfast, with a little bit of everything.
When I have a bunch of friends over.
When you think about someone and then you hear from them.
Really great dreams.
Really cold beer from a cooler full of ice.
Cathing your favorite episode on a re-run.
Learning new words. Good words.
Starting a new book.
Hershey's mini chocolate bars, warm from being in my pocket.
Even numbers.
Funny people.

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