Ty, I can play nice when I want to.
10 years ago today: I had just turned 21 so obviously, drinking was a big part of my life. I spent many nights drunk at either the Kappa Sigma house or the Phi Beta Kappa house. Playing 3 Man, Passout, Thumper, running through the fountain at SJ State, hijacking the golf carts, occasionally going to classes, and I was newly engaged.
5 years ago today: My first summer of homeownership. Great parties, we even set up a volleyball net in the back, it was almost like summer camp. Until I got pregnant, or at least until I
found out I was pregnant.
1 year ago today: Pretty much the same as right now.
Yesterday: I got my hair dyed red again and had my eyebrows done.
Tomorrow: is a Stay At Home With Mommy Day. Big plans may or may not include Costco (coffee, chicken, oregano), Mervyns (underwear), and/or Barnes and Noble (Harry Potter).
5 snacks I enjoy: Chili Cheese Fritos, ice cream, Cheez-its and cream cheese, regular Fritos with cottage cheese, Twix.
5 bands that I know the lyrics to most of their songs: The Cure, Toad the Wet Sprocket, The Beatles, um, that's about it.
5 things I would do with $100,000,000: I really can't say.
5 locations I'd like to run away to: Anything near the ocean. Ok, the Pacific Ocean. Ok, not anywhere. Maybe Aptos.
5 bad habits I have: Me? Bad habits? I have like 1000.
5 things I like doing: Reading, talking, drinking, sitting in the sun, taking pictures.
5 things I would never wear: Spike heels, too much makeup (or any as the case may be most of the time) tiny skirts, tube tops, or anything lime green.
(I'm just leaving
Nicky's answer here, although I may have been known to occasionally wear lime green, I'll deny it now)
5 TV shows I like: Scrubs, Smallville, Nip/Tuck, the Dead Zone, Carnivale.
5 movies I like: It's A Wonderful Life, The Outsiders, Amelie, X-Men, Napoleon Dynamite.
5 famous people I'd like to meet: Eminem, Harrison Ford, Yoko Ono, Audrey Tautou,
Blog Ho.
5 biggest joys of the moment: Of this particular moment? Um, I'm not dead?
5 favorite toys: THE Mustang, my cameras, the pool, my computer, and Caden.
5 people to tag: Anyone who feels like doing this.