Friday, January 07, 2005

Word of the Day

Word of the Day for Thursday January 6, 2005

lubricious \loo-BRISH-us\, adjective:

1. Lustful; lewd.
2. Stimulating or appealing to sexual desire or imagination.
3. Having a slippery or smooth quality.


Munch said...

Something on your mind dear that you want to get off your chest?

SJ said...

Thoughts of lubrition...?

Summer said...

CL, where did that come from? I've got to use that word at some point this weekend. to figure out a way to inject that into a conversation.

Cindy-Lou said...

For the record that actually was the word of the day from I'm a word geek, I'll admit it.
Nothing to get off my chest that I haven't addressed in the next post...
Ken, seeing as how you're me I'm completely insulted.
Oh, Summer I have no doubt you will be able to use that word at some point this weekend!

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