Monday, November 29, 2004

Testament to my weakness

I went out drinking with Roy Hobbs and another friend from high school last Saturday. We played fooseball and darts all night. I'm so out of shape that I'm actually sore from these activities. My arms are sore from wildly spinning the handles attempting to actually connect with the ball, which I miraculously did a few times. My calves are sore because every time I throw a dart I go up on my tiptoes. Don't ask me why, it's just the way I throw. I've been told it does nothing for my game. I tend to agree, yet can't stop. I am not a competetive person, so I don't really care to improve my game. I'm also a creature of habit, and don't adapt to change very well. So I'm stuck with the tiptoe throw, which suits me just fine. I guess I'll need to go play games and drink beer more often, so I can build up the right muscles. We can't have me being sore, now can we?


Roy Hobbs said...

So, I guess that means we have to work you bak into proper drinking/going out shape. Whenevers I'm always down. We just have to watch out for those pesky ghosts.

Cindy-Lou said...

EJ, sometimes in life you have to do the victory dance for no good reason at all. Just get out there and do it.

cat said...

what a coinkydink! i was playing darts this weekend too. only in my father-in-law's basement. i have tried it once before. it's fun to throw sharp pointy things!

there was no alcohol involved, though. we should try harder next time. i want to be cool like you. :)

Roy Hobbs said...

Th new maroon shoes prolly didn't help with the calves either. But they did give you a better angle of throwing straight across instead of up. Oh yeah and they complemented the sweater.

AGB 1 said...

I think you and I share the same fitness regimen CL.

Cindy-Lou said...

I'm glad I have support in this. It's going to be really tough, you know, getting in shape.
Cat, alcohol is the perfect compliment to darts. Plus, you don't care so much if you lose, and you have a great excuse if you do.
Dastard we should get together and work out sometime.

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