So, I don't think I ever told you.....
Guess who's going to see Social Distortion tonight? Oh yeah baby, that's right! Social D, here I come. This time I don't have that pesky senior prom to get in the way of my going to the concert. Although if I did, I just might have to ask Mike Ness to go with me. Haha, Mel...
So, I'm including two pictures of my drive home from work. I don't know why I think you'd be interested in what I see while driving home from work, but here they are anyway. This is just the first half of the drive though, the second half looks just how you'd expect, with retaining walls around the freeway and everything. I love this part of the drive though, it's very pretty. Especially now that we've had some rain, the hills are starting to turn green again.
And yeah, I took these through my windshield while driving 80 miles an hour. I'm a really good driver?
keep on rolling
traffic jam
Your "traffic Jam" makes me want to cry. This picture is of part of my route to work. This is very, very light traffic. I can only dream of traffic like this during my commute. In fact, I wonder when this picture was taken.
Yeah Michelle it was actually 2:30 on a Saturday. Just kidding, it was about 4:15 on a Monday. And no Ken I absolutely do not want to end up in a tree! I would not could not in a tree...
Enjoy the show tonight. 3 in the sfternoon does not equal rush hour. Try 5 on 880. Now that is rush hour or maybe like let's just sit a a stand still 2 hours. I think that's what it should be named. Fuck rush hour. How can I rush home at 2 miles an hour?
LOLOL "I could not would not in a tree" LOL And ur silly with the traffic jam caption hehehe :)
you are a spectacular driver! :P
hehehe... "Although if I did, I just might have to ask Mike Ness to go with me." poor mel... :P
hmm.. I clicked to make a comment and then got called away for work and forgot that I was waiting for the page to load. Now it's loaded and I'm back at my desk and I have zero idea of what I wanted to say. Crap.
So, um, hi! :)
I am sooo jealous that you get to go and see my other boyfriend, Mike Ness! I used to see him all the time in high school and had he not been married (and living in a pink house, I used to drive by and stalk him) I would've asked him, too! HA!
Oh god, I sound psycho...anyway, have an awesome time, I am soooo jealous! And give Mike a big 'ole smooch for me!
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